
Documentaries & Films

In this area we project our documentaries which are still in progress and development.
For a more detailed preview, you can visit its production page!


Who will remove the chestnuts from the fire?

The mountain of Paiko, the chestnuts on the trees, the chestnuts on the ground, the chestnuts on the fire…
How can financial crisis shape political beliefs?
Are the fiery chestnuts only our case or is it a case concerning people all over the world?


An ancient traditional folklore Theater, a Dionysian custom of Pontus region that is still practiced by Pontian Greeks!

My beloved Constantinople

A crossroad of intercultural co-existence..

In association with Pontian University Students of Thessaloniki- idemm Maliye Sanat Folklor Istanbul.

  • Our Routes

  • Music Train of Culture

  • Rally Saravalaki Moy